(this blog is) EL STINKO

The only thing I know about Cuba is them good sandwhooches. Here's a piece of junk from my junk collection I'm keeping because, well, who wouldn't like a fake CEEGAR in their junk drawer.

DSCF8665.JPGMy guess is this was sold in a novelty shop. I don't even know when or where I got it. It might be something I purchased from a dollar store or a costume shop. It's a EL ROPO brand CEEGAR. Wasn't he the guy that invented Popeye?

DSCF8667.JPGLook at the detail! Imagine you're a kid and rather than fake plastic fruit and vegetables or fake plastic groceries, your old man wants to get you into being a cigar chomping junior politician. Or, maybe you can use it to simulate a certain event from the 90's that was immortalized as  Ministry inner album art. (Lift up the CD inside "Dark Side Of The Spoon" and discuss.)  The fake "ash" has worn somewhat but otherwise, it does a good job looking like it's being smoked....right? RIGHT?

DSCF8666.JPGI think I've used this a few times for costume parties and such. More memories come back as I write this and indeed I believe I got this for a "How To Host A Murder" party where I played a rich 1920's fat cat. Fat hands. I don't know, it's a mystery, but I can't get rid of something as useful as a plastic fake cartoon sized cigar. No, it doesn't squeak.

ARF! -Ric