Unbroken Chains

DSCF8631.JPGIn pursuit of this Junk blog, there will be days I have a lot to talk about and then days where there is very little to talk about. As with any blog started 10 years after blogging was "cool" , I'll have those days. I need to explain why I have some of this junk and why didn't I throw this stuff away. I mean, if I don't even know why I kept it, then why talk about it? Why? Because I wanted too. It's junk in my junk box. This blog is about the worthless things I keep in my junk box, and CAMERAS. Oh yes, there will be more CAMERAS. Just wait. I can hear you waiting.

Ahh, but this is a link of chain. I forget exactly how I came in possession of this chain but I seem to remember getting it in school? It was new, it was clean, and well, that was it. I didn't carry it. I didn't chain up a pet cockroach with it. It's just there. Kind of like this BLOG.

DSCF8632.JPGNow we're cooking on a Tappan loss leader stove with coat hanger burner racks and pilot light (not electronic). Here is something I actually got use out of. It's a 70's and 80's bike lock. I think it's a genuine HUFFY. I had this chain and used this chain and then I got a car so I didn't use this chain much anymore. This probably protected my Schwinn, then my Sturbridge-Archer, then my genuine HUFFY and then my Roadmaster (suck).

DSCF8633.JPGLook! It's Phat Phingers (TM) making another appearance. It's EXCITING! Okay, so these weren't the best theft deterrent. Anybody could spend a little time and come up with the combination through a series of pulls. You only have 9999 combinations to go through. Of course, you could just use a wire cutter... Hell, it was good enough for my appointment at the Avon Lake library while I did my hour programming time on their Apple IIc. Basic bay-bee. (Didn't matter if you played games or programmed. You signed it out for an hour at a time and that's what you got.)

Now for those of you that don't believe in such crap, I just experienced Deja Vu. I had the feeling I was typing said blog while drinking said beer and listening to Ken Andrews solo album "Secrets Of The Lost Satellite" while I was typing about the Avon Lake library.  WTF! Sure it could have been any beer or any music, but the typing this very blog and talking about the AL library... I haven't had DV in a really long time... Hell, I save random pieces of chain, why should this surprise you about the author?

DSCF8635.JPGOh yeah, I was going to say that the Roadmaster brand of bike tried to do serious harm to me. My Huffy had worn out it's welcome because I didn't maintain it properly. So, I went to Hills and bought a Roadmaster for a hunny. Great bike for a year. Got me there and here. Then, I was in the Cleveland Metroparks near the Fairview Park hospital, trying to get some speed and a link in my bike chain froze, derailed, sending me head first about 12 inches from a pointed steel sewer grate. I was torn up and the bike was trashed. I walked the three miles home after cleaning up my wounds at a golf course restroom.  (Gashes in the head and hands and legs bleed like MF'ers.) At least I would have been close to the hospital had I hit the sewer.  What the hell is this chain here? Don't know, don't care. Maybe from a wallet? I seem to recall it came from a biker wallet? 

DSCF8647.JPGHere's one I really don't know about. I guess there is model cars from this brand? I found three of these  for 50 cents each in the messy clearance section of a messy Wally store. I suppose kids into these models of this brand want to show that they are into this brand by wearing fake BLING. So that's what you are supposed to do. Wear this fake bling and act all chrome rims and s**t. I didn't give a damn. What I bought them for is the chain. I use one of them to hook my identifying badges when I go to cons. It replaced a dull "ball" style chain with the chrome long since worn off. (You know, like a light pull chain in your basement?) I have this one as an extra so it falls under the same category as my stereo cartridge. The third one holds a "Falls City" beer bottle opener. There's a story for a future blog.

DSCF8675.JPGThis is the bonus to this blog if you're still awake. This American red faced combination lock may look familiar to you, or it may not. Back when I was in high school, we had to buy a lock from the school for our lockers. They wanted everything uniform. So, I got this one. I'm not sure I even remember the combo for it but no worries...

DSCF8676.JPG...it has a master key. That's why they got 'em for us high schoolers with a stash of quaaludes, pot and heroin in our lockers. They could find that stuff real easy and not even make us the wiser. Yeah see? What if I had a stash of Shaggy D.A. soundtracks and collars and Milk Bones (TM) like Bill Maxwell from The Greatest American Hero. HAHAHAHA. Who would have THAT in their locker? HAHAHA. Junk Blog.

ARF! -Ric