Led BBQ Light Eating Your AAA Batteries

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100_3658.JPGMy basement is also home to another piece of light up junk. It's not really junk and could be used as a light and still has a lot of usefullness as a light, but just not for what it was intended for. As you can see by the logo, it's a BBQ light.  It actually is useful if you need to put a bright light someplace. Anybody work on their muffler on their 1979 Chevrolet Monza anymore? This would be just right.

100_3663.JPGMan. Woman. Earth. Death. Infinity.... (AH HAH HAHHHH) (Cha Ching) BEN CRAZY. Sorry couldn't resist. If you're from Cleveland or Detroit and watched late night TV in the 70's or 80's, you'll get it. It's a long neck light as mentioned. It's meant to be clipped onto whatever surface near or on your grill so it will illuminate your turkey burgers or 99 cent 8 pack of weenies. I used it for that purpose. It worked SWELL.

100_3659.JPGLook Ma! The business end. 6 LED. They all work. Yes, this thing shoots off a nice bright light so you can illuminate just about anything. Ohhh, your burgers are going up! The Credibility Gap. *cue bad 80's production music* Always keep your grill area cleaned and scraped. Every hour you should go over the surface of the grill with a cotton grill cloth and soda water. Keep your prep table clean and stocked. Always be ready for a rush. "We got a BUS!!!" "I need a 12/12 turn and a 4/4 turn as well." Whew. Suddenly I was back at Mickey Macs.

100_3660.JPGAhh, but while the design of this light has a big disadvantage. I'll get to that in a moment. The on/off switch is sealed in rubber for easy on/easy off. Gee, I wonder what I'm about to complain about. Helpful diagram printed right under the switch. Helpful title at the top of this junk blog post.

100_3662.JPGMr. FatHanz (TM) showing again that winter heating does bad things to skin. Plus, it's showing the downfall of any LED flashlight. 3 AAA batteries. Worse yet, in a "battery holder". Not really a terrible design, it was meant to slide into the lamp base, kept narrow, and be sealed with that out of focus chrome spring.  Therefore, the light would start losing brightness after you turned it on. It will stay lit for a really long time, if you like the light provided by the LED tea lights. It does flicker like a tea light, because of the battery holder needing an adjustment every now and then so it makes contact and provides juice. Really, this is still useable. Really.

100_3661.JPGWhat makes this light pretty good from a utility standpoint is it's flexibility in mounting. You've already seen the infinite neck, but here's the bottom of this light. The feet are all strong magnets for grip. The one at the center is adjustable, and it makes a big clamp. So you can either surface mount or clamp this. Again, the downfall shows. You screw the AAA battery holder in the bottom and well, it may or may not stay lit. You know it's a bit tough to screw in, but a little lithium grease... I never have any lithium grease. My bother has some lithium grease... The fan in my refrigerator a few years back froze up and Boomer helped me repair it by borrowing my brother's lithium grease.  I need to invest in lithium grease futures.

100_3657.JPG...or in F14 fluorescent lamp stocks. Looks like someone in Cleveland tried to corner the market. Oh yeah, no go lamp no more. My bother with his expertise in electrical wiring, installed a light outside on my garage and that's been the light that lights the unused BBQ ever since. So, this one resides in junk waiting for another use. I'm thinking about buying another 1979 Chevrolet Monza with a muffler pipe wrapped around the rear axle. 

ARF! -Ric