The Dog Plays Poker (Games Junk Series #7)

100_3982.JPGA deck of mini cards. Perfect for children. Filled with dogs. Er... "The DOG" playing cards. You know, those morphed out pictures of dogs? I hate them. I hate small cards. Ahh, but when you can buy them 2 for $1 and you give one to one of the stars of the movie "Fursonas" (released today everywhere... check for where to get it.) (I'm sorry, I just violated the link law for this blog. Hmmmm. I should rethink that policy. Nahhh. Boomer is my friend, and he's in the movie with a cameo by Jack Elam. Who wouldn't want to say they had a friend with that billing. I'll also say my "presence" was near the film three times and I'm thanked in the credits. We do it all for you Rod.)  Meanwhile, I have to talk about these cards. Cute pups ruined by the morph. Photoshop run amok.

100_3979.JPGIf you're into it, get it. If you're into Bicycle cards, get it. If you're into the UPC symbol, get it. What a waste of good made in China card stock. I'm glad these cards really aren't worth playing. You can use them to play fish or something. Maybe solitare?  I'd rather use generic uncoated United Airlines cards. These DO got the DOGS on them. They can't be all BAD?

100_3985.JPGOh yeah? We get 4 dogs on the cards? No, there are dog pictures on all of the "face" cards, and they are different dogs. Plus, it's a "winter" or "gift" deck,  as all the dogs used are clad in red and white gear or have red and white toys or ... why bother. Again, your kid would likely love these cards. They are so small and keyoooooooooote. Look at that mushed up photo of a pug..or some kind of dog breed. Ahh, forget it. I've said my peace. I gave one deck away and it's likely under the couch some place.  Oh, one more picture. Got to use them all. I took the time to take it...

100_3986.JPGJoker! Joker! Joker! Lets all look in the mirror, adjust our pompadour making sure every strand is in place. Check the teeth to make sure the Pepsodent did it's job and there's no spinach. Now  alternating the inflection from a statement to a question to disgust to happy, repeat after me:  "I'm Jack Berry. I'm Jack Berry? I'm JACK Berry! I'M JACK BERRY! "  It's not even a really decent photo, but it is a fun movie. -Ric