Summer Daze Blog

2nd Post-2021 Meaning.jpgI know, it's mumbo jumbo to most of you. It's the "Thoughts On The Dead" guy's second post ever. I just liked that he said "work the jab". We'd have new meaning to that in 2021. April 6th 2021 he passed away from the other non vaccine "C" .  I mean the other "C" has been around for a short time and science effectively found something to beat it back. The BIG "C" has been around a long time and takes too many too soon. When I found the Grateful Dead and started listening lots, I looked at many websites. His blog was the only one with 20 posts a day! (Well, he made a lot of content.) It helped me do this blog in a lighter fashion and have fun with my posts. Plus, if you don't really like the Grateful Dead, he spread out on so many issues, TV shows, Bands.  I'm still missing the daily updates about John Meyer's hair. El Paso is a 2:30 song at most, how do you get it to 8 minutes?

Thunder(s) Over  1080P.jpg This is the year we reinstate some traditions around here. Sort of. It was a little too early to have the greatest fireworks show in America. Louisville, Ky. They have held it as long as I lived there and every year after. They added some neat things. It takes place on two barges on the Ohio river and the Main street bridge. They light the bridge on fire! Then they made a pedestrian walk across the river and  now they light that with LEDS. However, it happens in April. There were no lotteries if you got the jab in April. We can't have 100,000 peeps crammed on the banks of the Ohio. So, they moved them to 4 locations and televised the result. YAY!  *Pbbbbbtttttt* The good news is my tradition is in tact. See you next year Thunder.

IMG_6282.JPGThinkin and drinkin is all I have today. Thanks Greatful Dead. Makin "Cowboy Coffee", thanks Spirit. I hate it when they don't have beans. Ground coffee is not as fresh as the bean . ALDI doesn't have their breakfast blend in bean style anymore either. Looks like a job for Trader Joes! I haven't been to one of those tiny "peeps on top of peeps" stores since this pansamatic began. I use the cans of their coffee to hold Aldis and Dunkin. Stupid poop. Did you know that a can of peanuts has the same top size as a can of Trader Joes coffee. Didn't I say in the start of this blog that it would be funny?

IMG_6348.JPGNow THATS funny. Look at the size of those TIES. Yeah I cracked my set open and have been watching through them again and enjoying them even more than last time. I started watching MASH again but I  caught up to the nightly airings on MEtv, so I jumped off. MASH is so familiar to me, I can have it on as background noise and know if BJ is combing his mustache and annoying Major Winchester. Hey, I didn't promise a funny blog, I just turned on my head and spilled what came out. I should be writing this. We've been over that. It's my preferred way of expressing my stupidity.

IMG_6302.JPG"Hey Father Mulcahey, I got another trachea tube for ya. " Radar is going to barf. Get the skin to close around the tube. That's exactly what's supposed to happen... I'm a good Bic Pen user, yes I am.

IMG_6283.JPGI draw using pen and paper as well. No computer stuff here. I am a creature of habit and I fear change but sometimes you gotta change if they don't make a 5" Black And White TV/RADIO for those long days when you go fishing. When my favorite sketch pads became something that they just couldn't make and sell for $2.50, it only left the Strathmore company to make the size and sell them for $172 each. Wait? Is that just what Michaels sells them for? Oh, buy one get one for half. Better than nothin.

IMG_6317.JPGOf course there will be booze. I'm shown all through this pansamatic that "Fat, Drunk and Stupid is no way to go through life"...but a PANSAMATIC? Bring on the SKYY (Fris) and lets make some Marys. Actually this is the first time in years I bought some hot sauce. and just for this. Hot sauce makes my stomach all "WHOOOHOOO" but if I disguise it with cheap ass vodka (Not SKYY) it goes down well.

IMG_6353.JPGSo, I'm not a Crown Royal fan but this is the third bottle I've bought. Okay, well it is a nice smooth shot. They had some "flavored" Crowns and I never wanted to try them, but here they were in neat little one shot deals.  Let's see, APPLE Crown Royal tastes like I shaved some green apple Jolly Rancher candies into my glass and added CR. The VANILLA Crown Royal is kind of like taking a swig of CR and then licking 10 envelopes. Really, I can review beer and how it tastes all day because that's something I care about. Booze should be booze. Keep the sugary flavored sap out of it. It's not House Of Pancakes, it's booze. Let a bartender make a flavored drink. That's what they are tipped for.

IMG_6356.JPGDid I say I can review a beer? If you want a decent honey brown beer, this is it. Above standard. Boozy but  with sweet to temper. That's they way any alcoholic beverage should be. Don't know about drinking a beer with a orange sack of shit on them. Sorry artist who drew these cans. That makes me laugh. What does THIS look like? :)

IMG_6357.JPGWord to the wise. If you boil a pot of water on a stove, don't get distracted by finding endless hours of new music on the web. You should set a timer. I was boiling the water for another failed attempt at cleaning the clog my sinks are currently under going. I've tried it all except caustic stuff. Green stuff. Baking soda. A Rooter. I now have really clean pipes leading from one sink to the other sink but nothing going down the drain. So, it's another pan of hot water, and I forgot about it.  Once you do that, toss it. A man built this, it's a pot. Owner stupidity. Another landfill claims a pot.

IMG_6372.JPGYou get the MAXX for the MINIMUM. I wanted to replace my pot with a Faberware classic so I went ova dey to the Bed Bath And Stock Piled High. It's where I got it from, and no dice. All they had were the 1QT and since I've boiled through a few of those, I bought two the last time I needed them. I dejectedly walked out from Bed Bath And Crap On Pegboards and hello cuz! I never think of this place, but TJMAXX. Of course! They have all that pots and pans crap. They had just what I needed.  I bought two. I know me.

IMG_6369.JPGNow how desperate do I have to be to buy skivvies from a big box store? Get this, how much MORE desperate do I have to be to buy said skivvies from a HOME IMPROVEMENT store?  Junk improvement? Made in India. What the hell was I thinking? These are darker colors. I hate the white skivvies or the light blue skivvies because they might as well be white. I also don't want to go a department store to buy 1 pair rather than the chubb pack. Hell, I've bought some skivvies from Walgreens from one of those "special buy" bins at the front of the store. I don't care. Fits my ass. Wait, why does a home improvement store have SKIVVIES??? Cover more ASS at Menards.

IMG_6332.JPGSpeaking of things for your ass available in a CHUB pack from a big box store... Were we speaking of such things? This comes as the pansamatic is starting to wane in America. I mean, Gov. X-10 is going to allow all seats to be filled for our baseball thingy we have starting on Memorial day. Good job America. We're a little more back to "show me your papers or you can't come in." I should stop calling our Governor "Gov. X-10" because he extended so many curfews, but I'll always know him for that. I remember being a scofflaw by driving home from mom's place at 11PM when I should have been home at 10. Here's an idea, lets not have this pansamatic shit happen again, okay? You come here for ideas, I just gave you one. So, the big box store had only 3 packs of flushable butt wipes. I usually buy the 5 pack because I like the cool fresh clean ass feeling. I should get one of those squinter toilets. Hooray! They have the 5 pack again. Hoarder.

IMG_6361.JPGBlink and you'll miss these. I draw little cartoons in said pads that were mentioned at the top of this blog. When they are done, they get scanned in and then I gotta put the drawing someplace. These guys make the best clip board, so why not make a second product that I think is the best. Wal Stores haven't had these or they have ones that are damaged in some way, but I was lucky to find three of these in the last few runs. That's ten more years of drawings. Yep. I'll likely buy a few more because who gets photos developed anymore?

20210515_163434.jpgHere's a little retail trivia. Once upon a time in the Northeast Ohio area and towns and cities everywhere, there were department stores. If you wanted a console TV or appliance, you went downtown to buy it or you bought it from specialty dealers that would buy and sell. Then, someone got the idea to "stack em high and watch em buy". Here in Cleveland, we had Northeast Appliance and Tokyo Shapiro and Home Centers. In addition to home improvement stores getting in on the action. Then there came "category killers". A few smaller ones came and went quickly but SUN TV was the biggest of them all. They also had three aisles of a new thing called PC's. Nobody had three aisles of those. Quickly all the small players went by the boards and I was one of the employees that was in that roll. Then BEST BUY came to town and had no commissioned sales and they became the dominant player.  I worked for Sun TV for one week. It took me 30 minutes to get a customer out the door after selecting a higher end boom box. 30 minutes! We had to sell the extended warranty, and if we couldn't we'd bring in someone else to try and if that didn't work, a manager would take the third shot. Then, we had to wait in line to cash out the customer. If there were 6 or 7 people and only one line open... Then we had to go to the counter, wait in line again  while someone verified that it was paid for and tried the warranty sale again. Then the security guard had to inspect. 30 minutes! I went to beer and a movie with friends and never came back. I found this relic at my mom's apartment.  "Super SLEEPING Centers" . 

20210515_133918.jpgNow a tell about the end of this pansamatic in the United States.  I don't want to get happy. "Don't Get Happy" according to Mike O Meara.  However on Mayday, I walked into my "no card so you can't get that box of cookies for $1" drug store.  No signing up on the web. Just walked in. I was against all the net sign up because every time you need to sign away your info so that they can market their high priced arthritis cream to you. So, I was there, I asked, and the counter girl gave me static. "We're not giving the flu shots" she said. Um, excuse me. Last time I checked the pansamatic is a FLU? Thankfully someone stepped in. There was also a little reluctance to not have me go on the computer for an appointment. After that, no problem. Got my shot and a Mothers Day card in the 15 minutes I had to wait. The cards are pre-priced. Didn't need a F-Ing card. Went to Mom's day dinner at a restaurant and SAT IN! Hadn't done that since March 2019. But the next weekend my eye was on the prize. It would be two weekends since my jab, and I felt safe enough to go to a pizza restaurant with my mom. This indeed was the last restaurant I'd attended before the pansamatic. I remember there were rumblings about something that was over there coming over here. The place was absolutely packed. It seemed like maybe it was the last time a LOT of the people would eat out.  Red Robin serves Donatos pizza at this location. Mom loves it. I loved that we were back after a year and three months. Same price as well!

IMG_6354.JPGSo, I'll tell you intrepid readers of this junk blog.  I returned to the "at least the Arizona tea is pre- priced at a buck so I don't have to use your g-d card" and it was even easier to get jab #2. Then Mom and I went back to Red Robin and got another pizza/salad. For some reason, it felt better this time. I mean, it felt good to go with someone I love and have something she enjoys and make all involved happy. So, what does this all mean? I'm not going to preach. Get it or don't, but now it's as easy as walking in. So, when does this pansamatic end for me? I've started getting my drawing pack mentioned in a previous blog ready to go and darken a participating Pawnera restaurant. How am I going to explain that I need a 70 Regular/30 Dark pour of my coffee? Looking forward to leaving my state to visit others again. I did something I've never done before. I bought the above.  Long ago at a convention in Memphis, a friend had a booze tasting. He had beer beverage to drink and I never touched to hard stuff, but he convinced me and others. We tried Cabo Wabo tequila. Mmmm, that's good booze. I lived in Louisville, KY at the time but I'd never had any bourbon and I tried Makers Mark. Mmmmm Thats Good BOOOOZE. Then he pulled out the OBAN. I locked in on this brand as being some of the best booze I'd ever had. Years and years later, my mom bought me a bottle for Christmas. It took two years to finish. You see, it's a $90 bottle of booze. I never ever considered spending  $90 on a bottle of booze. Well, this pansamatic has been something, and well, it deserved something really special to say I'm out of 90% of the worry.

IMG_5671.JPG...and with all that hope, the year and a half old Butterfinger bar will finally be enjoyed with a with a shot of OBAN to wash it down.  Doggy Radio is where it's going to happen. Why not. We need the content . -Ric