Cup O Watches

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100_2866.JPGWhere do I begin? I was a Garfield fan way back when he only had two books available. I had Garfield sheets and Garfield pencil toppers and collected the Garfield comic strips every day.  Of course I'd have a mug. It's Garfield with one of his wacky catchphrases . HAHAHA! Oh boy!

"Say Jane, look what I just got?

"F**K you, leave me alone."

"No, see? I got wacky cartoon cat Garfield and he's squeezed a tube of ..."

"Really, you're a dumb ass for liking that s*it."

"No, but don't you see? He's dumped toothpaste all over himself, and he says that he hates Mondays! HAHAHA"

"Very good. I'll just go to HR and say you were telling me dirty stories about Garfield ejaculating."

"No! He's not ejaculating!! He's upset because every cat brushes their teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste! HAHAHA"

"You're right!  You've turned me on now. Let's go have massive toothpaste Garfield sex and you won't hate Mondays anymore.", this is a mug full of cheap watches. Let's check them out.

100_2873.JPGM-I-C-K-E-Y- C-H-E-A-P-A-S-S D-O-L-L-A-R S-T-O-R-E C-R-A-P.  Understand that when I was a youngster, the simplest LCD 5 function watch sold for $30 or more, having dropped in price and transitioning from LED display watches. My first watch was a Marx brand Mickey Mouse watch. It had a big red plastic band and a half sized traditional alarm clock face. It did work. I don't know how well it kept time, but it did work. I was so proud of it, but then I lost it in a haystack while visiting my cousin's farm. I was heart broken. I lost such a crappy toy treasure that we didn't have the money to replace.

What the hell did I need to keep time for anyway? I was a KID. It wasn't like I set an alarm to come for dinner, Mom always screamed to which I'd reply "FIVE MORE MINUTES". She would return scream "NOW" and I'd return "FIVE MORE MINUTES" and she'd reply scream "Now or you're GROUNDED" and I'd reply "Awwwww MOM" and she'd begin the counting "1...2....". I ran or I couldn't go out and play in my friends burned out VW BUG body for a few days.

So, I got a bit older and I got my first digital watch. A gift from my brother for my birthday that was a giveaway he'd won for whatever. It came 2 months after my birthday. It had the exclusive name "Soffer" on it. Rolex? Citizen? TIMEX??? No, Soffer. It worked , had a metal band, had 5 functions. It was mine. While other kids in school were worried about playing ball or beating up the kid with the new watch who was telling everybody about his new watch, I just flipped between the minutes and seconds and the date. I was amazed.

Enter later. I need a watch. I forgot my watch at home. I just needed something cheap. So I pick up cheap watches to leave in my car glove box so they go dead in three months. I found these at the dollar store. They are branded Mickey Mouse and in a way it made my life that much more complete. Lose one in the hay when I could barely use the toidy to finding s*it to waste money on. The bands broke instantly. One of the buttons didn't work and they both died shortly thereafter. So, into the Garfield cup they went.

100_2874.JPGYeah. Stylish slop black with chemicals that leech into your arms and control your mind and turn you blue and make you hop around saying "Chrono" and bite others on the tail to get them into your evil CHRONO fold. These were 2 for $1 and are perfectly good watches . These do have a stop watch feature and keep the date. Yeah, the bands are really cheese, but they work. Of course the battery would need to be replaced after a few weeks.  You know, a few years back I bought several Casio watches with Databanks (to keep phone numbers) for $4 apiece with 10 year batteries and I haven't worn out the battery on the first one. The plastic strap does go bad from the oils on your skin plus soap, dry out and crack the band. Buy a metal replacement band, and you're money. I'm money.

100_2876.JPGFinally, one of my later Casio watches. Notice it still keeps time? The battery has not yet gone to the Dollar Store watch graveyard. This one was good for a few years until the buttons started being very hard to press and, the cheap ass chrome coating on the plastic body stared flaking off? I mean, WTF! It wasn't just mine,my friend  had the same thing happen to his as well. Cassy-OH-NO! So, into the cup it went. I hate Moondaze.

ARF! -Ricochet