Ear Whacks

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100_3427.JPGIf you've ever attended a rock concert, you've likely owned a set of these. You may have owned several sets of these. I have. Now you can buy the cheap soft foams all the way up to noise levelling earplugs. These were kind of like the latter. Put them in your ears where it took some of the most damaging frequencies out and left in some of the others. They worked pretty good.

100_3426.JPGCame in this nifty case with a nifty key chain so if a nifty Revolting Cocks concert broke out in a nifty, very NON acoustic gym-like barn, you may want to have these. Oh well, you can't wear these at a Revolting Cocks concert with the amps turned to 11, because you want to jump into the mosh pit. You never jump into mosh pits. Ahhh, but this is the Revolting Cocks turned to 11 in a packed gym floor with a dope smoking balcony. Better get in before someone starts throwing a shoe, several strings get broken and then half the amps blow out. So fun. Unfortunately, not so fun. I know there was pain inflicted on my ears that night. What? PAIN INFLICTED! Oh. Yes it is slick when it rains. 

100_3428.JPGI suppose a little 'splainin is in order. See, I had to take out these earplugs because the part that went in the ear was fine, but they had a large canister attached. If I would have taken the hits that I took that night, I'd be at the doctor. So, I had this handy plastic key chain pouch to store my dildo colored ear thingys while I watched Uncle Al walk off stage while the band played three more songs.

Note to myself, buy different earplugs when moshing. Note to myself, attend another concert where moshing might happen. Note to myself so many years later, no moshing for you. Dancing at the Q And Not U or The Sheepdogs concert? Well, that's okay. When these got old and torn, I had to toss them but I saved the container. I had/have a few more pairs, but you really should wash the reusable ones. I'm not going to show you the pair I have in my button box that are a 20 year old science experiment.

DSCI0059.jpegHere they are. Modern, disposable, "reusable???" earplugs. Roll them like a booger, stuff them in your ears and then enjoy the three hour concert. Yes, I guess they can be cleaned. They say you can rinse them off and use them again and again...so why do they pack a gross of them in each container?  Really, they are meant for single use. I use these for spring cleaning of my house where I deep clean my domicile with my industrial vac. Them vac thingys are really loud and when you're soaking up those tiny spider webs and potato bug shells and tens of ounces of dust bunnies. I keep a really clean house. I did say "deep" spring cleaning. Needless to say, wear these to all concerts kids. They work famously. Respect your elders. Wear your earplugs to the upcoming Surgical Meth Machine concert. (Uncle Al's new band, coming soon. Until then, see Failure or the Sheepdogs.)  Respect your elders! Eh? Speak up sonny!

ARF! -Ricochet

P.S. At said Revco show, I went with my band mate and good friend Bill. A chick who was a fan of all things Cock leaned over and asked my friend Bill if I was his son. Yeah sure. We double teamed her after the show. She threw a nice one!  AOHHHHHHHH!!! (Diceman...thanks.)