Japanese Screamer

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Figured I'd get a few posts out of the way for the Halloween season. I only have two things in my button box that would qualify for their own post. This is one of them. I don't believe the title I gave this post is really what they called these things. They were attacker deterrents. "Rape Whistles". Screaming devices. This one was meant to be small but carry a mean scream. It sat on your key chain and you could pull it and get a really loud and shrill screech.

100_3420.JPGHere's why I called it the Japanese screamer. This one is old enough to have been made in Japan. I think I got this for the hike through downtown Cleveland at 5am when I was walking to my internship at a radio station. Of course, there was the homeless guy who asked an unpaid employee that was barely earning gas money if I could provide some change. It was light out by the time I had to make the food run to the McDonalds with the "homeless" entry that always was a pee smelling "airlock" buffer before going in. It had it's own two seat table. I never saw anybody at it but you knew what it was there for.  I eventually replaced the Japanese Screamer with a policeman's style 5 D Cell Maglight. Big and aluminium. People that carried big sticks had small....Nahhhh.  While this screamer is loud as hell, it's cheese. The "pin" at one end pulls out way to easy. I set it off by accident twice and well, it's not embarrassing to be in the restroom at lunch hour and have this start screaming.

100_3419.JPGIt also takes one of those odd sized photo batteries and those cost the money. So, into the junk pile it went. It's got a nice leatherette case with a handy zipper and it's made in JAPAN. It's a quality item. Ask Mr. Roboto. He knows. Styx was pushed.

ARF! -Ric