Quick and efficient

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100_3203.JPGJeeze, lemmie blow the dust bunnies off of this blog thingy. *poooooooffffff* Out, damn bunny, out! Okay so it's been a bit more than a week since I've posted an entry. If you're a regular blog fan, you've stayed with me and will stay with me for 5 years after I stop. You'll first start with a "Enjoy you last entry, waiting for your next." The you'll go to "Hey, I hope you're okay, haven't seen one in awhile." Then, "I think this retail spot about dead retail has become dead itself."

No, I feel like every other blogger who I read their blogs and wait for the next one and if it's a little late, I'm bummed. I've been doing three posts a week at least and that's in between quaffing the Y! at my local. So, jumping back in on a Sunday with this quick hit. You might have one of these in your house. You might have just replaced one of these in your house. They don't stamp 'em like that anymore.

100_3202.JPGBoomer The Dog are you reading? This will make it on the latest Doggy Radio right? Dual promotion right? http://radio.boomerthedog.net/

Yes, this was a genuine Bryant heater label taken off of a monster that a new efficient heater replaced. The letters are actually pressed into the label as is the smiling pup on the front. This was an inside domestic dog, that runs and runs and runs. It's not even a greyhound because they were thin and cute. No, a bit of an ugly mutt, which in advertising jargon, "means strong and mean yet fast meaning running with a docked tail meaning no tax meaning WTF DO WE MEAN?" Have another pack of Lucky Strikes and a 5 gin martinis for lunch. Mmmm. Dinner. Butter on my potatoes and a thick steak fried in lard to just how I like it. Salad? Okay, but it better be Caesar with lots of egg in the dressing. Make sure you clean my ashtrays and have the newspaper and my slippers ready.  Come on B*TCH. *smack* Get it done and then we'll have another kid and I'll go out and shoot pool and rouse the babes until 4am. Yeah. See?

Point being, they don't make them like they used too. GET OFF MY LAWN you meddling teenagers.  ARF! -Ric